Hi Ruth, and thanks for this. I've read a number of reviews of Cherry by the big guys, but yours is the first one that actually led me to buy the book. Your discussion of Walker's voice is what did it. The paragraph you quote and your reaction to it is quite a draw. (Also read reviews of the various gross girl books but never felt inclined to read them. Not that I question the experience of the gross girl, but I don't think there's much for me there. ) "Generation Kill" might be a better series/book than Band of Brothers if you're looking for another voice of the Iraq War experience. Watch it with George. Thanks for "lambent", a new word for me and quite applicable to your column. Sorry I won't get to meet you this weekend. I was looking forward to it. Adrienne

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Adrienne, I'm so glad you enjoyed my review, and I'm excited to hear what you think of Cherry! I also read a lot of reviews of Cherry as well before I finally picked it up. I heard so much about the sensational aspects (or maybe that's just what I remembered about it); it was such a good surprise to realize it was well written too. It's clear in the acknowledgements that his editors had a hand in this, which impressed me in its own right. And George also has told me about "Generation Kill"--this is the push I needed! I've ordered it, though we'll almost definitely going to watch the show first! I was looking forward to meeting you too, and disappointed I won't--but between COVID and Hurricane Henri, this weekend is really giving new meaning to "perfect storm." Excited to meet you when it all blows over. Ruthie

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